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Will Biden Be a Short Feather? Correcting the Common 'Ezra's Eagle' Prophecy Interpretation.

Writer's picture: signsandpropheciessignsandprophecies

After reading and watching the same mathematical error happen time and time again, it's time to put Ezra's Eagle back where it belongs.

Then, with the Super Shemitah beginning September 7, 2021, an economy close to collapse, international crises and a dying constitution, does Ezra's Eagle prophecy give us clues and a time-frame for what will happen next?

*Please remember to click on the underlined links added.*

Should We Read the Apocrypha?

There may be many who are not familiar with this prophecy. It's also not widely known in the Church because it comes from the Prophet Ezra's 2nd book which is in the apocrypha - not the bible. This can make many people uncomfortable thinking that because it's not canon, it's not worth reading. Here is what D&C says about the apocrypha:

1. Verily, thus saith the Lord unto you concerning the ApocryphaThere are many things contained therein that are true, and it is mostly translated correctly; 2. There are many things contained therein that are not true, which are interpolations by the hands of men. 3. Verily, I say unto you, that it is not needful that the Apocrypha should be translated. 4. Therefore, whoso readeth it, let him understand, for the Spirit manifesteth truth; 5. And whoso is enlightened by the Spirit shall obtain benefit therefrom; 6. And whoso receiveth not by the Spirit, cannot be benefited. Therefore it is not needful that it should be translated. Amen.

Thus we learn why it was not added into the modern Bible (though it was part of the bible until about the 1800's); many parts of it are true and many parts are not true, thus, those who can read it via the Holy Ghost can benefit but those who cannot receive it via the Holy Ghost should not read it. Here is an interesting read about the apocrypha under the Bible Dictionary.

Ezra's Eagle Prophecy, Part One

This is a very interesting prophecy found in 2 Ezra, made more fascinating by the fact that it still holds true when the math is done correctly. You can read 2 Ezra 11-12 (2 Esdras) for free online here.

Here is my fairly-brief-but-detailed synopsis of Ezra's vision:

  1. Ezra sees a large flying eagle with three sleeping heads. The middle one is the 'greatest' of the three. It represents a kingdom that is greater than all other kingdoms (America).

  2. There are 12 feathers (plus two more little ones, 2 Ezra 11:22) that represent its rulers. Of these feathers, eight of them are contrary (short) and represent the length of their rule. ***PLEASE NOTE - This is where the common mistake happens. Many add 12+8=20 feathers. This is incorrect. There are 12 feathers here, 8 out of those 12 are short. Then verse 22 adds two more small feathers for a total of 14 feathers.***

  3. Each of these feathers take turns ruling, the second one rules much longer than the rest.

  4. The vision changes. Ezra now sees six short 'wings' (feathers), two of which remove themselves and sit on the right eagle head.

  5. Of the four short feathers that remain: the first tries to rule, but it's rule was cut short. The second one tries to rule, but is cut even shorter than the last. Then the third and fourth try to rule but the three eagle heads wake up and 'eat' them both simultaneously.

  6. Now that the heads are awake, there are no more feathers and these eagle heads oppress the earth and have more governance than all prior rulers.

  7. The middle head disappears, leaving the last two eagle heads to rule. Then the right head eats the left.

  8. A great voice of a lion speaks to the remaining eagle head, saying it is the last of the four beasts that were made to rule, reproves it (it loved liars, etc) and says that the last eagle head has fulfilled the "abominations".

  9. The last eagle head is destroyed and the two little feathers that were on it reign over a small kingdom that is "full of uproar" until they disappear and the great eagle is burned and the earth is in great fear.

Now, this vision wouldn't mean much without the vital interpretation given by the voice in 2 Ezra 12. Again, please follow along with the link above. I will give my brief synopsis here:

  1. The Great Eagle = the kingdom seen in his brother Daniel's vision, a kingdom feared above all kingdoms.

  2. 12 Feathers That Rule = the 12 rulers of this kingdom ('feathers' interchangeable with 'wings'), the second one has a longer reign than the first. *Please note, there were two more feathers, making 14; 2 Ezra 11:22*

  3. Eagle's Voice = This voice speaks in 2 Ezra 11:15-17 to Ezra about the 2nd feather. In the interpretation section it says that this represents a time in the kingdom when there was "great strivings" and the kingdom almost falls but then is restored.

  4. 8 Contrary Feathers = These are eight kings (out of the 12) of which their time to rule will be small. Two perish, four are kept "until their end begins to approach", and two are kept until the end.

  5. 3 Eagle Heads = Three 'kingdoms', (interchangeable with 'king' in following verses) with dominion over all the earth. Those who live there, (when the three heads reign in America) will experience much oppression, more so than those before them.

  6. The Greatest Eagle Head = One king who dies upon his bed in pain.

  7. 2 Smaller Eagle Heads = They die by the sword; one kills the other then dies by the sword himself.

  8. 2 Little Feathers on Eagle Head = These two are kept unto the end by God. They rule over a small kingdom that is "full of trouble".

  9. The Great Lion = This is he who is anointed by God to chastise and judge the wicked. He delivers the righteous in his mercy and makes them joyful until judgement day.

Interpretation For Our Current Day

Many great scholars have gone over this vision over many decades but that was before what we know now. Many individuals who have made videos and books on this prophecy now feel like it is not a true prophecy because of how they've added the feathers which inevitably lead to problems. I wanted to re-read this prophecy and see for myself if the feathers really line up with our U.S. presidents and have found many striking coincidences that match up with the feathers, the lengths of time they rule as well as some clues for the future. Let's go over it now!

One of the first questions that might come to your mind when reading this vision is, if the eagle represents America and each feather represents a ruler and its length represents the length of its rule, then which ruler or president do they represent? Obviously, we have had 46 presidents so far as of the date this article was written. There were not that many feathers. This book of Ezra is clearly about the last days, so how do we decipher which president the first feather represents?

Great question! The very large, (and glaring), clue is with the second feather in verses 13-17. It was the only feather who was able to rule the longest out of all the following feathers and was told that none would rule that long ever again. What does that sound like? The U.S. president who served the longest in office was FDR; President Roosevelt, he was serving his fourth term when he died of a stroke, (though there are other theories). A couple years after he died, the 22nd Amendment was ratified and put in place, making it so that presidents can serve no more than two terms in office. Thus fulfilling verse 17.

So if FDR was the second feather, it stands to reason that the first feather in this vision was President Hoover. Before we go on, I want to add one more connection that solidifies the place of the FDR feather but it requires me to skip to the interpretation of the voice that speaks to his feather in 2 Ezra 12:17-18:

17. As for the voice which thou heardest speak, and that thou sawest not to go out from the heads but from the midst of the body thereof, this is the interpretation:

18. That after the time of that kingdom there shall arise great strivings, and it shall stand in peril of failing: nevertheless it shall not then fall, but shall be restored again to his beginning.

World War II began six years after FDR became president. The Nazi's were very close to succeeding; if they had been able to successfully take Russia, and they came close, they very well could have won. It was an incredibly horrific time in the history of the earth. Thankfully, the Nazi's lost and all was restored. This is quite the connection...or a very intriguing circumstance.

Correcting Feathers

Here we need to remember that the prophet Ezra lived over 2,000 years ago, had no basis to understand our day or how our politics work to understand what he was seeing so we need to give him some slack.

That being said, this is where many interpreters that I've seen - add - details to Ezra's vision that just aren't there and complicates things. For example, many think that he saw two short feathers towards the middle of the wing (no verses to back that up) or get too strict with their definition of a contrary (short) feather and instead use their English version of the word contrary instead of the interpretation of it found in 2 Ezra 12:19-21 . Also, as far as I have read, there are no connections or interpretations for the eagle's left wing verses right wing nor details for how many terms a short feather has to be, just that they're shorter than the rest. In such circumstances, we need to keep a fairly open definition.

Here is a common image used by many to interpret the length of feathers to U.S. presidents but some of the length of feathers are incorrect:

I am grateful for whomever made this graphic but there are some inconsistencies. For example, Nixon's feather shouldn't be as short as Kennedy's, he served almost a full two terms before he resigned whereas Kennedy was only in for three years (less than one term) before he was assassinated. These two presidents are often misinterpreted as the 'two middle short feathers' though, once again, nowhere does Ezra say there are two short feathers in the middle. It isn't specified. More inconsistencies here are, Ford, Carter and Bush. They should all be the same length as Hoover as they were all one term presidents. Otherwise this graphic is correct as in the order of each feather - just not the lengths.

I promise I'm not trying to drag on whoever made this but I have to be as clear and concise as possible to be honorable to Ezra's vision which has been dragged through the mud of late.

Now that important note is out of the way, let's get back to it.

Who Are the Long and Short Feathers?

We know for certain the 14 feathers begins with Hoover, this makes the 14th one Obama. Are there any other clues that help us to know for certain that Ezra is seeing U.S. presidents? Yes. In the interpretation section in chapter 12, there are specifics for who the eight contrary feathers are but I felt it was important to add two verses from chapter 11 as well:

2 Ezra 11:3, 11

3. And I beheld, and out of her feathers there grew other contrary feathers; and they became little feathers and small.

11. And I numbered her contrary feathers, and, behold, there were eight of them.

2 Ezra 12:19-21

19. And whereas thou sawest the eight small under feathers sticking to her wings, this is the interpretation:

20. That in him there shall arise eight kings, whose times shall be but small, and their years swift.

21. And two of them shall perish, the middle time approaching: four shall be kept until their end begin to approach: but two shall be kept unto the end.

In verse 21 it clearly says that two out of these eight rulers perish. Since President Hoover, only two have died while in office and they are FDR and Kennedy. That matches perfectly and is very clear. I think this verse, where it says "...two of them shall perish, the middle time approaching..." is where the misinterpretation for the two short feathers to be in the middle came from. Approaching the middle is not the middle; it happens before the middle - which FDR and Kennedy fit just fine.

U.S. Presidents who died in office:

  • FDR

  • Kennedy

Next, it says, "...four shall be kept until their end begin to approach..." Here again, there's that "approaching" word we need to be cautious of and remember to not be too strict about. Please note that the same thing goes with the word "end". "End" of what? End of one term? Two? An open interpretation is best with these terms.

What Counts as a Short Feather?

I have counted four types of presidential terms since Hoover. There are 1 term presidents, 2 term presidents, presidents who have died during their term and 'finishing' terms (such as Truman and Johnson who finished their deceased president's term then served one term of their own). Then Nixon and Clinton are in an investigated/impeached category though they are opposite; Nixon resigned before he was impeached due to scandal and Clinton was impeached due to scandal which wasn't successful enough to remove him. More on that later.

If we go by the 22nd Amendment that gives the max amount of terms a president can serve to two terms, then we can surmise that to be a regular long feather. Thus, a short feather would be anything less than a full two terms.

With that in mind, the four feathers who were "kept until their end [began] to approach" certainly served in office shorter than say the "two [who were] kept unto the end."

U.S. Presidents who only served one term or less:

  • Hoover

  • Ford

  • Carter

  • Bush Sr.

The last part of this verse is tricky, "but two shall be kept unto the end," and it really took me awhile because it didn't seem to really fit any of the candidates at first.

Nixon and Clinton. They are in our unique category. From the time of Hoover and up to Obama, Nixon and Clinton were the only two presidents who were heavily investigated and impeached. That is, Nixon absolutely would have been impeached due to the Watergate scandal if he didn't resign and Clinton was impeached due to the White Water scandal and a sex scandal but was able to survive it.

If we take the word "end" to mean the end of their term, there are only five U.S. presidents that fit into this category of a regular length feather. However, we know from 2 Ezra 11:20 that these eight feathers were short, but verse 21 contradicts this statement by saying that two out of the 8 had full length terms? I surmise it must have a different meaning; perhaps they would've or could've been a short feather but were prevented?

Thus, could we say that these two, Nixon and Clinton, were "kept unto the end"? You may say, but Nixon didn't serve a full term, he resigned. Yes, but think about it. Could we say that Nixon served a full term according to his dictates? He resigned on his own terms instead of being "cut short" as Ezra puts it; or forced, than lets say those who died or didn't serve two terms because they just weren't re-elected. Not because they didn't want to.

U.S. Presidents who were "kept until the end":

  • Nixon

  • Clinton

Two Extra Feathers

That's all the eight contrary feathers. It was about this spot in the prophecy that I remembered that in 2 Ezra 11:22 it says:

2 Ezra 11:22

22. After this I looked, and, behold, the twelve feathers appeared no more, nor the two little feathers.

No where else in the vision does it reference these two extra little feathers, it only specifically says that they are small. The Prophet Ezra doesn't ever give us the order of these short and regular and contrary feathers or when they ruled so it's up to us to fit the puzzle pieces together.

U.S. Presidents who finished a deceased presidents term and one of their own (1.5 terms):

  • Truman

  • Johnson

These are the only other two presidents who served shorter than the max two terms and they fit great. Now we have all ten short feathers out of the 14 total feathers. With some investigation and some basic knowledge of our history, we can say that these all clearly fit the presidents beginning with Hoover to Obama.

Ezra's Eagle Vision, Part Two

After Ezra sees the twelve and two feathers disappear, there appears six new 'wings' or feathers. Here's the synopsis of part two:

  1. The vision changes. Ezra now sees six short 'wings' (feathers), two of which remove themselves and sit on the right eagle head.

  2. The four short feathers that remain: the first tries to rule but it's rule was cut short. The second one tries to rule but is cut even shorter than the last. Then the third and fourth try to rule but the three eagle heads wake up and 'eat' them both simultaneously.

  3. Now that the heads are awake, there are no more feathers and these eagle heads oppress the earth and have more governance than all prior rulers.

  4. The middle head disappears, leaving the last two eagle heads to rule. Then the right head eats the left.

  5. A great voice of a lion speaks to the remaining eagle head, saying it is the last of the four beasts that were made to rule, reproves it (it loved liars, etc) and says that the last eagle head has fulfilled the "abominations".

  6. The last eagle head is destroyed and the two little feathers that were on it reign over a small kingdom that is "full of uproar" until they disappear and the great eagle is burned and the earth is in great fear.

Let's catch up - we left previously with Obama as the 14th feather and now we have four new feathers because two left to sit on the right eagle's head. What is unique about these four feathers is that they are all short and that each rule for less than the previous one.

Thus it stands to reason that the first of our new feathers is Trump. Amazingly, this still fits Ezra's vision. Trump's presidency was "cut short", not because he didn't want a second term, but because he wasn't re-elected (or was but was a victim of voter fraud - depending on your viewpoint.) Either way, the result is the same: short feather.

Now we have Biden as our current president at the time of this writing. To say that he is performing poorly is a great understatement. At the time of this writing, he has created a perfect storm in Afghanistan; people are being murdered and pile up in the streets, the Taliban is going door to door hunting down Christians and U.S. citizens, and much more. On video Biden turns his back and refuses to answer questions, laughs when he's confronted about his approval rating, which is in a free fall, and shifts the blame elsewhere while he is making deals with the terrorists. Biden is in such dire straights with his presidency now that even his own party is eating him alive, politically speaking.

The big question now is: will Biden be a short feather? Calls for his impeachment are getting louder and many people believe that the Democrats actually want Biden's VP, Kamala Harris, to take leadership for her much more liberal views. If that is so, will the Democrats aid in voting Biden to an impeach and convict? In my personal opinion, I highly doubt that Biden will last the rest of the year. Only time will tell.

Two Rulers Eaten Simultaneously

If Ezra's Eagle prophecy is correct, who would be the next two rulers after Biden that get eaten simultaneously? A better question might be, how do two presidents rule simultaneously? There are some theories I have but we just don't know.

One theory is: civil war. It's happened before and it will happen again. I say this because we have a very clear prophecy from Elder Orson Pratt in 1866 (roughly one year after the Civil War) who was at that time a member of the Twelve Apostles, that there WILL BE civil war in the last days. Some argue that this won't happen because Joseph Smith's Civil War prophecy has already been fulfilled. This is true, it has been fulfilled. However, these are two different civil war prophecies. The first one which is called, quite aptly, "The Civil War Prophecy" given by Joseph Smith on December 25, 1832 (The Coming of the Lord, pg. 35) It was fulfilled roughly 30 years later.

President Woodruff reiterated this prophecy in 1880 (pg. 55). However, Elder Pratt gave the most terrifying and detailed description:

"...New York, Boston, Albany, and numerous other cities will be left desolate. Party will be arrayed in deadly strife against party; State against State; and the whole nation will be broken up; the sanguinary weapons of the dreadful revolution will devour the land. Then shall there be a fleeing from one city to another, from one State to another, from one part of the continent to another, seeking refuge, from the devastations of bandits and armies; then shall their dead be left un-buried, and the fowls of heaven shall summer upon them, and the beasts of the earth shall winter upon them. Moreover, the Lord will visit them with the deadly pestilence which shall sweep away many millions by its ravages; for their eyes shall fall from their sockets, and their flesh from their bones, and their tongues shall be stayed in their mouths, that they shall not be able to blaspheme against their Maker. And it will come to pass, that the heavens will withhold their rains and their fruitful fields be turned into barrenness, and the waters of their rivers will be dried up, and left in standing pools, and the fish therein will die; and the Lord will send forth a grievous plague to destroy the horses and cattle from the land. Thus by the sword and by pestilence, and by famine, and by the strong arm of the Almighty, shall the inhabitants of that wicked nation be destroyed."

President Brigham Young was another to add his voice to this prophecy in 1860 (pg. 66), where he likens this civil war to the fate of the Jaredite nation:

"Famine will spread over the nations, and nation will rise up against nations, kingdom against kingdom, and state against states, in our own country and in foreign lands; and they will destroy each other, caring not for the blood and lives of their neighbors, or their families, or for their own lives. They will be like the Jaredites who preceded the Nephites upon this continent, and will destroy each other to the last man..."

Thus it is not far-fetched at all to suggest that for feathers three and four, the two who try to rule together, might be either a precursor to a civil war or the actual thing.

Theory two: I want to add this theory as I just saw it today. I'm not saying there is a chance of this, but at this point, many things are possible. Today on Dan Bongino's podcast highlights (which he only does on Facebook, his website version is an hour long if you prefer), he suggests that America needs to have a "national divorce." He explains that to him it means that Democrats and Republicans separate themselves to run their own states as they wish, the people moving to the state that reflects the types of politics they favor, while the Federal government is given much less power and is forced to allow states to govern themselves without interference. I was left pondering if that was a viable option for two possible simultaneous rulers. We know for certain that the Constitution will "hang as it were by a thread" in these last days and that may pave the way for something like this. Maybe gone wrong or too far.

The Three Great Eagle Heads

This is the last part of Ezra's vision. After feathers three and four try to rule together with their rule shorter than the previous feather, the three great eagle heads, which have been asleep this whole time, wake up and eat those two feathers at the same time. With that, the eagle heads are now in charge and this is what happens:

2 Ezra 11:31-35

31. And, behold, the head was turned with them that were with it, and did eat up the two feathers under the wing that would have reigned.

32. But this head put the whole earth in fear, and bare rule in it over all those that dwelt upon the earth with much oppression; and it had the governance of the world more than all the wings that had been.

33. And after this I beheld, and, lo, the head that was in the midst suddenly appeared no more, like as the wings.

34. But there remained the two heads, which also in like sort ruled upon the earth, and over those that dwelt therein.

35. And I beheld, and, lo, the head upon the right side devoured it that was upon the left side.

These great eagle heads now reign and they do so with great tyranny, fear and oppression. They accomplish this by giving themselves more power than any previous ruler over had. However, it doesn't seem to last long as the great head's reign is cut short and the right head (or is it the left head, Ezra's right?) eats the left head.

Now this seems bizarre. However, the interpretation verses seem to give the eagle heads more substance:

2 Ezra 12:22-28

22. And whereas thou sawest three heads resting, this is the interpretation:

23. In his last days shall the most High raise up three kingdoms, and renew many things therein, and they shall have the dominion of the earth,

24. And of those that dwell therein, with much oppression, above all those that were before them: therefore are they called the heads of the eagle.

25. For these are they that shall accomplish his wickedness, and that shall finish his last end.

26. And whereas thou sawest that the great head appeared no more, it signifieth that one of them shall die upon his bed, and yet with pain.

27. For the two that remain shall be slain with the sword.

28. For the sword of the one shall devour the other: but at the last shall he fall through the sword himself.

Just as Ezra used "wings" interchangeably with "feathers" so too does he use "Kingdoms" interchangeably with "King". Kingdoms don't "die upon [their] bed" that I'm aware of: people do. Though there are some who believe that each head will represent a different country who will want to take America over. Perhaps that's possible.

Now we know that the three great eagle heads represent three new, but very evil, rulers. Ultimately, the wicked inevitably kill the wicked and the heads do exactly that, though not without mass casualties. If we look at these verses:

2 Ezra 11:42-46

42. For thou hast afflicted the meek, thou hast hurt the peaceable, thou hast loved liars, and destroyed the dwellings of them that brought forth fruit, and hast cast down the walls of such as did thee no harm.

43. Therefore is thy wrongful dealing come up unto the Highest, and thy pride unto the Mighty.

44. The Highest also hath looked upon the proud times, and, behold, they are ended, and his abominations are fulfilled.

45. And therefore appear no more, thou eagle, nor thy horrible wings, nor thy wicked feathers nor thy malicious heads, nor thy hurtful claws, nor all thy vain body:

46. That all the earth may be refreshed, and may return, being delivered from thy violence, and that she may hope for the judgment and mercy of him that made her.

...We can see that the eagle's oppression and violence stretches world-wide. Who will these people be? Are they elected? Do they steal this power with violence and bloodshed? If so, why is there no one to stop them? Perhaps they first sway and flatter the people and get their power by deceit? We don't know.

What I find to be the most fascinating is verse 44. But first, we need to understand who the lion is. At this point in the prophecy, a voice as if from a great lion speaks to the last great eagle head and rebukes it. Here is the interpretation for the lion:

2 Ezra 12:31-34

31. And the lion, whom thou sawest rising up out of the wood, and roaring, and speaking to the eagle, and rebuking her for her unrighteousness with all the words which thou hast heard;

32. This is the anointed, which the Highest hath kept for them and for their wickedness unto the end: he shall reprove them, and shall upbraid them with their cruelty.

33. For he shall set them before him alive in judgement, and shall rebuke them, and correct them.

34. For the rest of my people shall he deliver with mercy, those that have been pressed upon my borders, and he shall make them joyful until the coming of the day of judgment, whereof I have spoken unto thee from the beginning.

If you didn't guess it yet, the lion represents Jesus Christ. He is the only one can give judgement and deliver his people. Let's hop back to verse 44, above. Once all the eagle heads are gone (in the interpretation, they kill each other), this lion's voice declares "his abomination are fulfilled". This is linked to another later-day prophecy found in the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Here's a link to the Bible Dictionary of "abomination of desolation."

In summary, the abomination of desolation is comprised of three different events. The first has already come to pass; the destruction of Jerusalem and it's temple. The second is the destruction of Jerusalem and it's temple in the future, and the third is the event that will take place on our side of the earth - the destruction of America and also the wicked over the world. This is different than the "sorrows" Mark spoke of in chapter 13 verse eight.

The sorrows are the big problems such as war, pestilence, famine, earthquakes that lead up to the tribulations. Then the tribulations come next (verses 9-13) which will be great persecution, false Christ's, false prophets and violence. This is when Temples will permanently close and missionaries will come home (day of the gentiles is over.) It is sometime during this event that we flee our homes (verses 15-18). Then the abomination of desolation occurs. I want to note here that before the desolation comes (the destruction of the wicked), the Saints will already have traveled to and built the New Jerusalem and then Christ comes. This is a specified requirement that must happen before Christ will come. This whole thing supposedly occurs over a seven year period. Would you say that we're getting close to the tribulations now? In my personal opinion, that's a yes.

Thus the eagle heads represent the abomination of desolation as it is through them that it is brought to pass. We also know that in the last days, America will rot from the inside-out because of secret combinations. So could it be through these secret combinations that the eagle heads are set up to rule?

The Two Feathers Who Divided

Remember those two feathers out of the six that Ezra saw in the second half of the vision? They "divided" or separated themselves from the rest and went to sit on the eagles head? Originally, I thought these two sounded like not good feathers because they rested on the eagles head which represents someone evil that brings about the desolations. Why did they remove themselves? Was it a self-preservation move? A moral one? However, in the interpretation chapter, the voice tells Ezra that these two feathers were "kept until their end" by God:

2 Ezra 12: 29-30

29. And whereas thou sawest two feathers under the wings passing over the head that is on the right side;

30. It signifieth that these are they, whom the Highest hath kept unto their end: this is the small kingdom and full of trouble, as thou sawest.

This doesn't necessarily mean that they're amazing people. God preserves many different types of people to fulfill His many different purposes and not all of those are happy. Either way, these two serve over a small kingdom together but this kingdom has many problems, though not specified. My second thought went to the two apostles that will watch over Jerusalem and it's temple site for about 3.5 years (the last half of the tribulations), keeping it safe via miracles from the armies that surround it. At the end of those years, the Lord allows them to be captured, killed and left in the street while the armies celebrate for three days. Then Christ comes, resurrects the apostles while the armies watch on, mouth agape, then Christ destroys the wicked.

That sounds like a small kingdom full of trouble to me. What other kingdoms are worth mentioning besides the one that is already in prophecy? It is also the most important kingdom on the earth besides the "promise land": America. However, America is huge and Israel is very small. It sure is something to think about.

In Conclusion

If you have made it this far, I thank you for reading. It is my hope and prayer that each one of my readers, no matter where you live (I have many international viewers) will take the time NOW to prepare for what is clearly coming up ahead. I care about you and my wish is to get as much information out as I possibly can for you to study and pray about. For free. I pay for this website with my own money and I DO NOT receive even one penny for my efforts. I want to make that very clear because some have thought so. I have purposely kept it this way.

This article has taken me a week to write as I worked hard to read multiple works pertaining to the subject, including the scriptures, "Coming of the Lord" by Gerald N. Lund is a big one, talks by our prophets and apostles on, and many different news sites including Israeli news. I want you to know that I work hard to get you the best information I can find and that I take my articles very seriously.

Please, I ask that you do whatever you are able to, to be prepared both physically and spiritually. I have many articles that contain specific items such as a 72-hour kit checklist and a spiritual checklist that will help. Please feel free to post in the forum if there is anything you'd like to see next from me or if there's something to be expounded upon. I love your feedback. Feel free to also email me at

There is a rough road ahead and many will be deceived, even the elect. Please join me in praying every morning to our Heavenly Father to keep us from being deceived by the adversary and to preserve us to be counted among His people.

Thank you!

Camry Ragone


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