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Trump in Jewish Prophecy

Writer's picture: signsandpropheciessignsandprophecies

President Trump is the most hated US President in history. Why?

Have you ever wondered why people either love or hate him?

Whatever your feelings are for this guy, he has forever left his mark

in prophecy in both the Christian and Jewish world.

If you haven't read "Jewish Numbers in Prophecy," I recommend you read that first so you understand the importance that the Jews place upon the number 7.

To note: Remember that the purpose of signs is to help us know that we are on the right track, so to speak. For example, when you're driving on a highway, you look for signs that point you in the right direction. The mere passing of a highway sign doesn't mean that something will happen right then, or that you will magically arrive at your destination. However, it does mean that perhaps there are 20 more miles left to that next destination. Signs, thus, are indicators.

Name: Donald John Trump

What's in a name? Names are prophetic in the Bible and the very essence of our souls, according to the Jewish culture. If this is so, then names can be powerful. Naming a child is a very thought-out process. They ask themselves, "who do I want this child to be?" "What blessing do I want to give them?" After all, God gave life and power to the things He named in the sky above and the earth below. Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean you will live up to your name, that's more of a choice.

  • Donald = Gaelic name Domhnall meaning "ruler of the world", composed of the old Celtic elements dumno "world" and val "rule".

  • John = Hebrew means, "God is Gracious." The English name John is the transliteration of the Greek name Ioannes, and the Greek name Ioannes is the transliteration of the Hebrew name Johanan.

  • Trump = English means "Trumpet" or "Trumpeting"


There are some very interesting things about the President's birth. Remember, that the number 7 is the most sacred number to the Jews. It is God's perfect number. Rabbi Cahn, stresses the importance of clarifying that they do not worship President Trump, but that with all the coincidental items and parallelism between him and King Cyrus in the Bible, they view these numbers as a sign that God has purposely placed this president in America at this time for a great purpose. What purpose is that? Let's keep going.

  • Birthday: Friday, 14th of June, 1946 (15 Sivan, 5706, Jewish calendar.)

  • Trump was born on the Jewish Sabbath (Lunar calender - starts in the evening.)

  • The Jewish Parashat that was read in Jewish homes all over the world that day, on that specific Sabbath was Numbers 10:1-10 where Christ tells Moses to make a Trumpet from two Trumpets.

  • It was a total lunar eclipse and a blood moon as well as a Jubilee year.

  • It was the same year that President Truman recognized Israel as a State.

  • Israel was 77 days old at exactly 777 days after Trump was born.

  • Israel's 70th birthday (14 May, 1948) came exactly 700 days after Trump's 70th birthday. This was also the same day President Truman recognized Israel as a State. Truman was only 64.

That's a lot of coincidences! Heavenly Father is the ultimate poet, artist, mathematician, scientist and strategist! He loves numbers, puns on names, meanings, and parallelisms.

Running for Office:

While Trump was getting ready to run for office between 2014-2015, it was between those two years that we had the "Tetrad" (Greek = four) or four complete eclipsed AND symmetrical blood moons. Blood moons can be part or total lunar eclipses, but Tetrad's are much more rare, especially full eclipsed Tetrad's. These four blood moons also all occurred on main Jewish holidays during those years:

  1. Passover - April 15, 2014 -----------------exactly 266 days to midpoint

  2. Tabernacles - October 8, 2014 -----------exactly 90 days to midpoint

  3. Midpoint, January 5, 2015

  4. Passover - April 4, 2015 -------------------exactly 90 days from midpoint

  5. Tabernacles - September 28, 2015 ------exactly 266 days from midpoint

Presidential Inauguration:

President Trump was inaugurated on January 20, 2017

  • Trump won the election on Netanyahu's 7th year, 7th month and 7th day in office.

  • Trump beat Hillary Clinton by 77 electoral votes (because seven electors defected.)

  • Donald Trump is to be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America on Jan. 20, 2017. Remember, odd numbers are lucky, even numbers, especially doubled even numbers are very bad. Obama was the 44th President. Obama was also the first anti-Israel president.

  • Donald Trump will take the oath of office on the day he is 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old.

  • This happens in the Hebrew Calendar Year 5777. 

  • This is also at the end of a Jubilee year.

Steve Cioccolanti, a Christian pastor who lives in Australia, discovered that exactly seven months after Trump's first full day in office there was a total solar eclipse (August 21, 2017) over the U.S. continent. The path of totality was exclusively in the U.S., and that hasn't happened since 1776.

He goes on to note, "We as Christians must not pursue astrology, but God certainly uses astronomical signs at times to confirm prophecy, such as the star of Bethlehem, which confirmed the timing of Messiah's birth." That's not astrology, it's Astronomy. Know the difference. Remember that Abraham was big into Astronomy and was known to teach it to the Egyptians.

Midpoint of First Term:

Keep an eye out for an article to come in the near future in regards to these blood moons.

  • The exact midpoint of his first term, Jan. 20, 2019, was the 10th symmetrical blood moon out of the group of 10 blood moons since Dec. 21, 2010.

Will President Trump win a second term? Will he make a way for the Temple in Jerusalem to be build? Only time will tell.

The Cyrus and Trump Connection

The Jews believe that whenever God does things that are linked with the restoration of Israel, that He raises up world powers and leaders to bless it, sanction it, or to give authority. Because of this, they see a pattern:

King Cyrus, the Babylonian King -> Lord Balefour -> President Truman -> President Trump

  • Each were born on a Jubilee year (Cyrus~580-600 BC, 1848, 1884, 1946)

  • King Cyrus and President Trump were both 70 years old when they made the Declaration. Lord Balefour and President Truman were only 69 and 64 respectively but gave Truman only gave recognition of Israel's Statehood Lord Balefour Declaration was just his voting support to let the Jews go home. Both were still important, though.

  • Exactly 70 years (Jewish Calendar) between the Balefour Declaration and Trump's Declaration. Also 70 years between King Cyrus's Decree and when Jerusalem was destroyed, and the Israelites taken captive, before he was king. (Daniel 9)

  • Both King Cyrus and President Trump made restoring Israel their first Declaration in their first year in power.

  • Both King Cyrus and President Trump made their Declaration on a Jubilee year.

  • King Cyrus also build the Jews their second Temple....will Trump do this as well?

The Christian Orthodox Jews believe that everything left Jerusalem when Christ died; the Gospel, the people, Christ, the Holy Ghost even. Now they know that we're in the last days since everything is now slowly being restored back to Jerusalem; the land, the people, eventually the Temple, then Christ - whom is the ultimate Jubilee. "First shall be last and the last shall be first." Matt. 19:30

Trump is Different Than Other Presidents

  1. He's not an establishment politician; no degrees in politics.

  2. He's the first US President to be self-funded. That is, he has no special interest money coming in and is funded by himself (13m in 2015 alone) and by individual contributions. He has actually LOST value being in the White House, whereas previous presidents substantially gained value. This is in part because he consistently donates his 400k salary to various departments each year.

  3. He is the most openly hated (by the Left/Media) than any other President.

  4. He is openly Christian and loves the Bible, though very flawed like all of us.

  5. He is endorsed by many different kinds of Pastors and church leaders.

  6. Opposite of Obama who was very anti-Semetic, and popular. We know that it greatly displeases Heavenly Father when we become a stumbling block for the Jews.

  7. Obama made a Nuclear Deal with Iran that trusted the openly Israel-hostile country to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. This ultimately empowered Iran to make weapons. Trump calls it the "worst deal ever made."

  8. Trump doesn't care about political correctness, no reservations which is a breath of fresh air for many. He's not the sweet, politically correct, sweet talking politician.

  9. Obama was very weak when it came to the Middle-East and stopping terrorism.

  10. Trump stands for Israel and supports them 100%, more than any other US President.

What is fascinating to me is that although President Trump (whether you like him or not), constantly faces overwhelming bias, push-back, partisan parties, fake news, and hate to the point where the Left jokes about how they'd rather literally vote for a potato, than for Trump - this always happens at the point when good is winning and the bad just goes crazy.

Also, doesn't Christ ultimately show His power when the odds are the most overwhelming as a way to prove to the world that nothing can overcome what Christ has set out to accomplish? For example, if God wants President Trump to win the re-election, it ultimately will not matter how we vote. You cannot stop God from moving His plans along in the last days. Don't forget that Christ was also once one of the most hated men of His time, too. So too, was Joseph Smith. So too, do we all experience this from time to time in our daily lives when we are being our best selves.

Christ said, "woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! For so did their fathers to the false prophets," Luke 6:26. "That which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God," Luke 16:15. We don't need prizes or worldly praise and esteem to show that we are righteous. It can mean the opposite because the world is corrupt. Now, I don't think that Trump knows or is purposely doing these things because he's a great guy. No. Like all "world powers" that are risen up, the Lord uses them for His purposes to accomplish His work. I believe that God does hope that we will do our part to prayerfully try to know who to vote for and do our best to help vote for those who will serve God's best interest. Not our own.

"By their fruits shall ye know them." Matt 7:20, 3 Nephi 14:20

Christian Value Accomplishments from the Trump Administration 2017-2019:

Blocks foreign aid for abortion....................................................................................Jan 23, 2017

Nominates Conservative Justice, Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court........................Jan. 31, 2017

Saved $700 million on cost of F-35 fighters.................................................................Feb. 7, 2017

Revoked transgender toilets in public schools...........................................................Feb. 22, 2017

WSJ admits Trump is rolling back more regulations than any President in history.......April 17, 2017

Trump launched Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement office............................April 26, 2017

Neil Gorsuch is appointed and confirmed to Supreme Court......................................April 28, 2017

Trump is the first US President at the Western Wall in Israel.......................................May 22, 2017

Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord and their Liberal agenda....................................June 1, 2017

Trump donated his 2nd quarter salary to the Dept. of Education...............................June 26, 2017

Imposed sanctions on Venezuela's Maduro corrupt socialist Government...................Aug. 25, 2017

Revoked anchor baby policy (DACA), thus attacking human trafficking........................Sept. 5, 2017

Imposed more sanctions on North Korea..................................................................Sept. 21, 2017

FBI recovered underage victims of human traff. in operation "Cross Country.".............Oct. 12, 2017

Secured release of 3 American Athletes in China........................................................Oct. 15, 2017

Defeated ISIS & Raqqah in critical breakthrough in Global War on Terror.,....................Oct. 21, 2017

Release 77 mill acres for oil/gas drill in Gulf of Mex, America world's largest oil produc.....Oct. 24, 17

IRS made accountable for targeting conserv Tea Party groups...................................Oct. 26, 2017

Negotiated 250 million dollar trade deal with China......................................................Nov. 9, 2017

Withdrew US from UN Global Compact on Migration....................................................Dec. 3, 2017

America is the first nation to recognize Jerusalem as Capital of Israel.........................Dec. 6, 2017

Trump sets record for confirming Federal Judges......................................................Dec. 14, 2017

Eliminated 22 regulations for every new regulation....................................................Dec. 14, 2018

Signed into law biggest tax cut/tax reform since Regan 30 years ago.........................Dec. 22, 2017

Repealed Obamacare individual mandate ("you can keep your doctor")........................Dec. 22, 2017

Brought Christmas back to the White House (worship of Christ).................................Dec. 25, 2017

Created the conscience and Religious Freedom Division for civil rights within DHHS......Jan. 18, 18

Trump was the first US President to address the March for Life in pro-life support......Jan. 19, 2018

Lowest job claims in 45 years......................................................................................Feb. 8, 2018

2.9 million jobs have been added since Trump took office............................................April 6, 2018

Trump secured release of 3 American Christians held in North Korea...........................May 9, 2018

US Embassy opens in Jerusalem................................................................................May 14, 2018

Pardoned Jack Johnson, first African American heavy weight world champion...........May 24, 2018

Pardoned Alice Marie Johnson, 63 yr old, serving 22 yrs for 1st time drug offense........June 6, 2018

Trump is 1st American President to meet with the leader of North Korea, verbal agreement to de-nuclearize/secured remains of missing US soldiers from Korean War........................June 12, 2018

Trump revised Obama's deal with Communist Cuba...................................................June 16, 2018

Supreme Court upholds travel ban blocked by lower Federal Court Judges...............June 27, 2018

Nominates Conservative Justice, Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court...................July 9, 2018

Jobless claims are now the lowest since 1969.............................................................July 19, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh is appointed and confirmed to Supreme Court..................................Oct. 6, 2018

(Note: this list takes a lot of work, I may keep on it in the future.)

How many things can you accomplish in two years? Certainly not this. Nor has any other President accomplished so much in such a short time-span.

Cyrus-Trump Temple Commemorative Coin:

On Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2018, Trump was memorialized upon the new Jewish Temple coin to honor him for making Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Up until December 6, 2017, Jerusalem was an international city. Without Jerusalem as the capital, the Jews would never be able to build their Temple.

The Mikdash Educational Center said the “Temple Coin” features Trump alongside King Cyrus, who 2,500 years ago allowed Jews to return to Jerusalem from their exile in Babylon. This special coin also shows the 70 years between the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and the year of Trump's Declaration in 2017. The Hebrew inscription reads: "And He charged me to build Him a house in Jerusalem". Will Trump do this in 2021?

I repeat this question because it is the most important question of our time. Why? If Trump (a builder) wins re-election, and he okays a Temple in Jerusalem, then I believe that will shew in the Tribulations; the first half of the 7 year period before Christ comes. Not convinced? Make sure to read my other articles such as the "Timeline of the Seventh Seal!"

The Call for Trump to Build the Temple:

On Nov. 11, 2016, DebkaFile reported that Vladimir Putin has sent Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to visit the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Mr. Medvedev reportedly told the Jerusalem Post, “Russia never denied Israel’s or the Jewish people’s rights in Jerusalem and in its holy sites.”

Put another way, Russia recognizes that the Palestinians are not the only ones that have rights on the Temple Mount. Russia believes Israel also has rights on the Temple Mount. The next day, Nov. 12, 2016, Breaking Israel News (BIN) reported that Vladimir Putin visited the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem in 2012. BIN said Mr. Putin told a soldier “he came there to pray for the Temple to be built again.”

The Jewish Sanhedrin quickly sent letters to Trump and Putin asking them to support Jewish efforts to rebuild the Temple. The letter to President Trump read:

"“We, the judges of the Sanhedrin, the high court according to the Torah of Israel, are pleased that you are visiting Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the Nation of Israel in which the creator of the world chose as the site of the Holy Temple.

We hope that you will decide to go up to the Temple Mount, Mount Moriah, to the proper areas, and by doing so, you will merit the blessings of King Solomon, who founded the Temple with the intention that foreign leaders will come from afar to bring peace to their lands.

If that is indeed your intention, there is but one way to do this: to declare the raising up of the Temple as a universal human goal within the sanctified Biblically defined boundaries.

The attempts to find a common language with the enemy pertaining the dividing of Jerusalem and the Land of Israel are futile and will not bring any blessing.”

The Sandhedin is currently working to create an Organization of 70 Nations based in Jerusalem to replace the United Nations. Rabbi Weiss emphasized that the concept of international cooperation is based in the universal covenant that God made with Noah which established the 70 nations and requires the participation of all the nations.

Another part of the Temple building prophecy is - Rabbi Berger quoted Rabbi Bahya ben Asher ibn Halawa, a 13th-century Spanish Biblical commentator also known as “Rabbeinu Behaye.” The medieval scholar wrote that “the first and second Temples were built by the descendants of King David, but in the future, the Third Temple will be built by descendants of Edom.” Rabbi Berger emphasized that these sources state explicitly that the Third Temple will be built by the descendants of Rome, i.e. Christianity.


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