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Writer's picture: signsandpropheciessignsandprophecies

Updated: Sep 24, 2020

Brother Brent Goddard teaches at BYU-Provo and has put this presentation together. He has been giving this presentation for many years!

Captions are available. Please forgive the technical difficulties, thank you.


Brother Goddard's presentation's primary focus is on what the Savior commanded us to watch for and foretold would happen in the last days, then how these prophecies are being fulfilled now.

4:30 We are commanded to watch for signs.

6:08 Christ's prophecy - as told to his Apostles.

8:13 Christ's prophecy in Luke.

10:54 Signs before Temple destruction.

11:59 Christ's warning for when to flee.

14:42 Results of the resulting destruction for those who didn't flee.

16:30 Not a single Christian perished in the destruction of Jerusalem because they obeyed.


17:25 Warnings for TODAY.

18:40 Signs to watch for.

23:02 Parable of the Fig tree.

26:30 Time of the Gentiles.

30:55 Evidence of Generations- is the prophesied Generation alive today?

36:26 Luke's Generation Timeline.

39:35 If we were THAT close, the Prophet would warn us, right?

49:43 There will be Scoffers.

51:41 Jewish Numerology and Jubilee years.

57:41 Opening of the Seventh Seal.


1:02:00 Why Now? Christ's Signs of Judgement - Celestial Signs

1:07:42 Sign of Jonah - the Solar Eclipse. Solar Eclipse of 2017 and 2024.

1:15:37 Sign of the Woman in the Sky.

1:20:15 Signs on a Jewish Holy Day

1:30:20 Distress of Nations - War, Financial, Political, Religious, Wickedness, Terrorism

1:51:22 Distress of Nations - Earthquakes, Weather Events, Plagues, Volcanos, Famine

2:12:48 Saints are not exempt - Heber C. Kimball quote - General Conference Oct. 1930


2:15:40 Revelation Disasters.

2:17:47 Distress of Nations - Fear, Persecution, "Heaven's Power Shaken".

2:27:57 Preparation - Mental, Emotional, Spiritual. There WILL BE NO WARNING.

2:28:36 Here, Brother Goddard wished me to make a correction in this quote:

“With no warning, no last-minute preparation is possible…I believe that the Ten Virgins represent the people of the Church of Jesus Christ and not the rank and file of the world. All of the virgins, wise and foolish, had accepted the invitation to the wedding supper; they had knowledge of the program and had been warned of the important day to come. They were not the gentiles or the heathens or the pagans, nor were they necessarily corrupt and reprobate, but they were knowing people who were foolishly unprepared for the vital happenings that were to affect their eternal lives.”

“Time had passed, and he had not come. They had heard of his coming for so long, so many times, that the statement seemingly became meaningless to them. Would he ever come? So long had it been since they began expecting him that they were rationalizing that he would never appear. Perhaps it was a myth. Hundreds of thousands of us today are in this position. Confidence has been dulled and patience worn thin. It is so hard to wait and be prepared always. But we cannot allow ourselves to slumber. The Lord has given us this parable as a special warning.” (President Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle, Ch. 23)

2:31:31 Excuses.... Then TRUST GOD.

2:42:05 Prepare for Where...? The Gathering.

2:49:45 Spiritual Preparation.

2:53:46 Conclusion - Are you Prepared? Sign's Summary and Timeline


This timeline puts us halfway through the seven years of Tribulations as of December through Spring of next year. Get prepared now (in mine and many other's opinion, do all your prep BEFORE this election) before chaos and mobocracy ensues. For our ability to to buy and sell may be hindered as it has been via corona-19, will be due to chaos and violence and we may see the Mark of the Beast.

If this timeline is correct, I feel that it is as all the signs are in place, we may get the call to flee our homes around Spring 2021. How interesting and heavily symbolic would it be if the call came around the Passover which is on March 27, 2021? We, of the last days, are often likened as unto Moses and the Israelites which fled their homes after the deathly plague passed them over. Fascinating, indeed.


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