Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well.
I would like to pointedly address a frequent question that has been coming up with my members.
The question usually goes like this, "I heard from.... that Jodi Stoddard is an excommunicated member of the church.... is this true?"
I want to say that I'm very glad that those people were willing to ask before spreading this rumor. Me and Jodi are not sure who is spreading this idea. So lets set the record straight!
Sister Jodi Stoddard is a full time, active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. :)
Please help us stop the spread of this awful rumor. Thank you!
Does Jodi have any new posts. I know her husband suddenly passed to the other side, and that takes a while to recover from. I have watched some of her videos more than once.
Since I am not good at math, I appreciate her sharing her insight. I hope she is correct. I love her humble teaching style. She feels inspired by the Holy Ghost, which is her privilege, but makes no claims of being the prophet of the Church.. Nobody would be excommunicated for that.
I recall many years ago being asked to put together a Christmas program for our ward. I used Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s ”The Mortal Messiah. My bishop called me in and told me I had embellished things
I shared with him my source. He read it. He gave the go-ahead. Now many of the things I introduced are becoming common knowledge amongst the Saints. I am glad I had a bishop willing to explore. Elder McConkie was right on top of the latest research.
I cannot say enough positive things about what I have gained in knowledge and understanding from Jodi's videos. I am a 78 year old member of the Church and have served in just about every church calling capacity in the Church. I am an avid reader of the Book of Mormon and gain something new each time I read it. Though I thought that I had a pretty good understanding of last days events she has taught me things I have never considered before.
Thank you so very much,
Dale A Babbitt
I have heard that and totally put that rumor to rest. I love all her inspired videos over the last 4 years!! I love her BofM Our Awful Sit. Pat 1&2. I can see the find the first one on YouTube but I can’t find number two and it was an updated one that she did this year any help with that would be greatly appreciated.
I spoke to her over Facebook Messenger in 2020 or 2021, when I first found her videos. She was lovely, unpretentious, and had just had her temple recommend renewed. :)
Just found this site. I have sure appreciated Jodi’s research. It has been interesting to watch and experience the last days and her research makes it even more interesting. Since we get to live through it, it is nice to have some “guidebooks” and hers is an excellent one.
I suspect some wonder if she has been excommunicated because others have been for sharing less, sadly. And others, less enlightened, don't really know "the Doctrine of Christ" hiding in plain sight in the scriptures, esp. the Book of Mormon, and so believe she is sharing false doctrine. Both are quite sad indictments. Thank you for sharing her podcasts! Whenever i come across them, not only do i listen, but pass them on encouragingly to others. Thank you both for your work. ;-)
Thank you for posting that Camry!
Seems like some folks either want to peddle books off of Sister Stoddard or diminish her research. I don't know how she could approach it any better than what she has in terms of transparency and her take on her research.
I'm personally grateful she is sharing. With that said I would like to contact her if that is feasible. Some years back I obtained some research from a member in UK that had spent over a decade of his life tying together dates and biblical formulas. He did make some predictions (guesses and not prophecies) based on his work that haven't manifested...but I believe his work is valuable and may be of interest to Jodi.
Thank you,
Glen Young