Hello, everyone! I would like to apologize for my long absence.
I can't justify it too much, but I did go through a few months worth of sickness, medical exams, treatments that didn't work, many more tests, etc.
Via an Ultrasound then subsequently an MRI, I had a very bad gallbladder and a 6 x 3.5 cm hemangioma mass in my liver. Hemangioma's target of choice are mostly women, especially women who have been pregnant or take birth control (hormone induced.) I will have to wait until it is at least 10 cm before the Surgeon specialist will remove it due to it's high risk of bleeding.
I did eventually have surgery to remove my gallbladder before Christmas and I'm feeling much better now!
I have much updating to do here on my website and I pledge to get to it, starting today. So keep a lookout for more Jodi Stoddard videos, big Israeli news, a post going in depth for the anti-Christian movement that is happening and more.
Be Watchful, Be Ready!
Love you all!
Camry Ragone
Founder and Writer
So glad you're feeling better Camry! Lovely to see you back xox