Hi, I absolutely LOVE your website, I'm so grateful that I came across it - there's so much to learn! In fact, 3 months ago, I didn't care too much about the Second Coming as I always thought it wouldn't be in my lifetime... I thought it was far far off! lol
Then my husband showed me Jodi Stoddards presentation and I was blown away... and I realised that this is all happening a lot sooner than I ever thought possible! So that started something within me and I've since spent sooo much time learning more about the signs. Suffice to say I'm pretty new to it all!
My question is... what do you think the April conference events signified? After all, we had the solemn assembly, and the Hosanna Shout - and on top of that, there was a proclamation to the world of “The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ”....
I'd looove to hear your thoughts... does it signify the end of the gathering?
Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind comment as I'm trying so hard to spread this information to as many as I can reach, so I work hard! Sister Stoddard works very hard as well and is great at inspiring so many people, including myself! :)
I'm SO glad you're watching for the Signs of the times! The April 2020 Conference was fascinating! Many have their own interpretation of what the solemn assembly, hosanna shout and the new proclamation to the world signify. Me and my mom (we talk often about the signs) were just talking about this last night. I'll have to give her credit for this interesting idea - April Conference was a celebration of 200 years since the First Vision, right? She feels that the solemn assembly and hosanna shout was a way of showing that Christ was with us just as he was 200 years ago- as we know he visits more often than we know according to Sister Hinckley. We know that the hosanna shout was given when Christ entered Jerusalem, it's always given at the place we are closest to Him - His house, our Temple.
Here's the reason President Nelson gave us at the April Conference:
"This sacred shout was first given in this dispensation at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple on March 27, 1836. It is now given at the dedication of each temple. It is a sacred tribute to the Father and the Son, symbolizing the reaction of the multitude when the Savior made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It also reaffirms what young Joseph experienced that day in the Sacred Grove—namely, that the Father and the Son are two glorified Beings, whom we worship and praise."
Reasons for Solemn Assemblies are: Temple Dedication, Sustaining a new Prophet, consecrating new laws (Tithing 1889), the introduction of new scripture, the instruction of priesthood leaders and other special gatherings. It is also an act of sanctification.
In "Doctrine and Covenants 95:7 [D&C 95:7], the Lord explained the purpose of that solemn assembly—“that your fastings and your mourning might come up into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.” Hadn't we just done two worldwide fasts before Conference to end covid-19?
Some believe that this event signified the end of the "half hour of silence" as referenced in Revelation 8. I do not personally believe this, but possible, I suppose. I've heard people surmise that it was really a celebration of the cornerstone of the New Jerusalem in Missouri, I can't find any info on that so it's just speculation. We know that not even a yellow dog will be left to greet us when we go there.
In my opinion, I do believe that it was a combination of many things, sanctifying the Saints, Dedicating new scripture (Proclamation- which I believe is sort of like the last Testimony of the Church to the World before the last and second half of the Tribulations that many, myself included, believe begins as early as this December or Spring-ish), and a sacred tribute to Christ of whom I'm sure attended. :)
That was an awesome (and tricky) question, I loved it!
Thanks, Deb!